Factory Throwouts cigars are a true testament to timeless craftsmanship, proudly made in Tampa, Florida—the original Cigar City. Each cigar is expertly rolled using the same hand-operated machines that defined the iconic cigar boom of the 1930s and 1940s.
Affordable Excellence with Premium Quality
The affordability of Factory Throwouts comes from slightly discolored tobacco leaves sourced from premium Ecuadorian Sungrown imports. Thanks to J.C. Newman’s cost-saving efforts, these savings are passed directly to you, making high-quality cigars accessible without compromising on flavor or craftsmanship.
Crafted with the Finest Ingredients
Each Factory Throwout cigar features a smooth Ecuadorian Sungrown wrapper encasing a rich blend of Caribbean and Central American tobaccos. Available in three distinct sizes—No. 49, No. 59, and No. 99—there’s a perfect option for every cigar enthusiast.
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