Rocky Patel, in an exclusive interview with Cigar Aficionado, revealed the meticulous production process behind the Rocky Patel ALR Aged, Limited and Rare Second Edition cigars. These exceptional cigars are crafted in small batches, with only 10 master hand-rollers in Nicaragua dedicated to their creation. This limited workforce ensures that the production is indeed scarce, but the true factor limiting availability is the aging process.
Each of these cigars undergoes a patient aging period of two years, allowing them to develop the complex and exquisite flavors they are renowned for. Hand-rolled back in 2017, they are now ready to delight cigar aficionados seeking the finest offerings in the market.
What sets the Rocky Patel ALR Aged, Limited and Rare Second Edition cigars apart is their box-pressed design, intentionally chosen for an extended burn time and a consistently rich flavor profile. These cigars boast a unique blend of filler tobaccos cultivated on Patel’s own farms in Estelí and Condega, Nicaragua, complemented by a Nicaraguan binder and a rich Dark Mexican Andrés wrapper. This combination ensures a truly enjoyable and satisfying smoking experience for connoisseurs seeking the pinnacle of cigar craftsmanship.