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Bespoke Cigars

Discover Bespoke Cigars by Puroexpress: A Culmination of 30 Years of Mastery


In three transformative decades, Puroexpress has become an industry touchstone, a synonym for authenticity and quality. Bespoke is the peak of this journey. It’s more than a cigar; it’s a seal of our unwavering commitment to excellence and craftsmanship. As Rolf, our founder, puts it: “We created Bespoke to focus on what genuinely matters—superior construction, the finest tobacco, and unparalleled value.”

Our trusted, long-standing relationships with the world’s finest tobacco artisans afford us first dibs on truly premium materials. We’re involved in every meticulous step, from seed to ash, ensuring each Bespoke cigar meets the most stringent criteria for quality and luxury. For those in the know, our unique blend is a closely guarded secret, adding another layer of allure for those who relish the exclusive.

Bespoke is an intelligent switch for the discerning aficionado. It offers an unparalleled richness of experience, depth of flavor, and faultless construction. This isn’t just a cigar; it’s a statement, a testament to what’s achievable when true craftsmanship meets genuine value. Join a growing circle of in-the-know enthusiasts who’ve found Bespoke solely through word of mouth. Don’t miss out—take the journey and elevate your standards today.

Join the Circle

Meet a growing community of discerning cigar lovers who have discovered the Bespoke experience solely through word of mouth. Hear their stories and find out why Bespoke becomes more than just a choice—it’s a lifestyle.

Quality Meets Experience

Delve into the craftsmanship that defines Bespoke cigars, a journey that takes you from exceptional sourcing to meticulous construction.

The Bespoke Secret

Some things can be explained. Others must be experienced. The Bespoke Secret is in that elusive category that transcends mere description.

A Journey in Craftsmanship

Discover how our enduring relationships with the world’s finest tobacco farmers and craftsmen translate into a cigar experience unlike any other. Dive into the meticulous journey of Bespoke, from seed to ash.

Why Bespoke?

Bespoke emerged from a distinct need we noticed in the cigar landscape: quality and value were increasingly seen as mutually exclusive. With Bespoke, you no longer have to compromise. Read more to find out why choosing Bespoke isn’t just a purchase, it’s a discerning decision for the sophisticated aficionado.

A Message from Puroexpress

Discover why Bespoke is more than just a brand—it’s a statement, a philosophy, and a strategic upgrade for discerning aficionados. Want to know more about what drives us to create a brand that stands apart? Read on.

Bespoke Cigars FAQs

Welcome to the Bespoke Cigars FAQ page—your gateway to elevating your cigar experience. If you’re a discerning cigar smoker looking to indulge in a higher tier of luxury and craftsmanship, you’ve come to the right place
Bespoke Nicaragua Cigars

Dear Aficionado,

The story of Bespoke Cigars is a living narrative of dedication to the art of cigar-making, one that has been richly penned for over 30 years. But even as we honor the legacy we’ve built, we’re driven to explore new chapters, and it’s you, our discerning community, that has inspired us to venture into uncharted territories.

When we first heard the clamor for a Nicaraguan experience from many of you, we took it as a challenge. Not to replicate what we have done with Bespoke, but to create something equally compelling, born from the rich soils and unique craftsmanship of Nicaragua. Bespoke Nicaragua, while new, leverages our three decades of experience, connections, and knowledge in the industry. It’s not just another line; it’s an expansion of a deeply rooted legacy into the rich tapestry of Nicaraguan tobacco.

The lush volcanic soils of Nicaragua bring a palette of flavors that are robust yet nuanced, exotic yet familiar. This is a cigar for the aficionado who appreciates the subtleties of a distinct terroir, expressed through hand-rolled perfection. We’ve spent considerable time in Nicaragua, working closely with artisans who share our values, ensuring that Bespoke Nicaragua offers a singular experience that stands tall on its own merit.

We’re not offering you just another cigar; we’re inviting you to be a part of a new but equally passionate journey. For those who’ve found a home in Bespoke, Bespoke Nicaragua promises to be a refreshing yet familiar next step.

If you’ve read this far, we know you’re someone who understands that a cigar isn’t just tobacco rolled in a leaf but a symphony of flavors, each with a role to play in an overarching masterpiece. We invite you to take that understanding to new heights with Bespoke Nicaragua.

“Ready to take the next step in your cigar journey? We’re here to guide the way.”

Crafting Bespoke Nicaragua

Discover how Bespoke Nicaragua extends the legacy of meticulous craftsmanship that defines the Bespoke line, yet carves out its own unique journey from seed to ash.

Why Bespoke Nicaragua?

Explore why Bespoke Nicaragua isn’t just another line but a unique creation, crafted to fulfill the precise demands of our dedicated aficionados.

Bespoke Cigars FAQs

What Sets Bespoke by Puroexpress Apart From Other Premium Cigar Brands?
Bespoke by Puroexpress is crafted for the connoisseur who appreciates quality over hype. Each cigar is a masterpiece in its own right, designed by master blenders and created with the finest tobaccos from around the world. We don’t rely on flashy branding; we let our cigars speak for themselves.
What Makes Bespoke Cigars So Sought After?
What makes Bespoke cigars so sought after isn’t just our proprietary blend, but also the genuine craftsmanship and small-batch care that goes into each cigar. For 15 years, our growth has been organic, powered by word-of-mouth from satisfied customers who appreciate our focus on quality over quantity. Our cigars have always been synonymous with high standards, which is why when our loyal clientele asked for a Nicaraguan variant, Bespoke Nicaragua was a natural extension. Like its predecessor, Bespoke Nicaragua adheres to boutique craftsmanship, offering the same meticulously built quality that our customers have come to love. It’s not just a cigar; it’s an intimate experience, built from the ground up through artisanal skill and customer trust. This makes each Bespoke and Bespoke Nicaragua cigar not just a choice but a deliberate statement of refined taste.
How Do You Ensure Consistent Quality?
Our commitment to quality goes beyond mere checks and balances. We maintain a hands-on approach, frequently traveling to personally visit our production partners and farms. By being deeply involved at all stages—from soil to cigar—we ensure that each Bespoke creation consistently meets our high standards. Rest assured, with Bespoke, every draw is a testament to a satisfying and unparalleled experience.


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